Ditulis pada tanggal 6 August 2023

Call for Papers

Dear Colleges,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to present your papers in the International Conference of Post Graduate University of Papua II (ICOPOD 2023), conducted on October 18th, 2023, in Bintuni.

The deadline for the abstract submission is August 31, 2023 .
Abstract Submission link: https://easychair.org/cfp/ICOPODII2023

Keynote Adress:

  • Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya, M.Sc (Ministry of Environment and Foresty of The Republic Indonesia)
  • Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, M.M (Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs of The Republic Indonesia)

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Ehara. (Agricultural use of wetlands by improving crops, Nagoya University, Japan)
  • Assc. Prof. Lisa Backing (Resilience Marine Ecosystem, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
  • Dr. Michael Balke (Sustainable Biodiversity and Information System, Zoological State Collection Munich, Germany)
  • Julian Schrader, Ph.D (Ecological Sustainability as A Conservation Concept, Macquarie University, Australia)
  • Dr. Rudi (Conservation in Mangrove Ecology, Universitas Diponegoro)
  • Prof. Wahyudi (Non-Forest Timber Products in Mangrove Ecology, Universitas Papua)

The conference proceeding for the ICOPOD II 2023 will be published in Scopus Indexed Proceeding.

Organizer: Post Graduate University of Papua

Contact Person:
Dr. Eng. Hendri (Post Graduate University of Papua)
Email: h.hendri@unipa.ac.id
Telp: +62 812-8565-015